It’s okay to grow…..
I was sitting with my girls the other day at a kids table and I sat down in one of the kids chairs. Of course it was way too small for me and I almost fell out of the chair multiple times. One of my girls looked at me and said “mom, you’re too big for this chair. You need to go find another chair.
It got me thinking, how many times have we outgrown a “chair”. How many times have we needed to go find another chair? And by chair I mean friend group, church, business, profession, job, and the list goes on. If you are anything close to my age, I would assume it’s been more than once.
But sometimes, we are too scared to find another chair. Even if we have outgrown the chair we are in. We would rather be uncomfortable in a chair we know than go find a new chair. We feel like we are disappointing people, or they will be mad at us or even worse, they will shame us.
And then pulling that new chair up to a new table…..holy cow that’s a whole other talk for a whole other day.
As we go through this crazy life, we change and grow in so many ways. Our interests and perspectives shift, and sometimes we realize that the people or places that once fit us so well no longer do. It’s important to have faith in what God is doing in our lives and have the courage to find a new “chair” when we need it.
It may not be easy, but it might lead to a new journey God is taking you on. With new people and new places.
So if you’re feeling like you’ve outgrown your current “chair”, know that it’s okay. Don’t be afraid to go find a new one that fits you better. And who knows, you might just find a whole new table of people and experiences that bring even more joy into your life.