Find the good….

Yesterday, we had a conversation with a friend of ours about how people are looking for perfection within the church. Perfection from our leaders. Perfection within the worship. Perfection in the resources. I’ve been guilty of it. Expecting better. Expecting more.

But we often forget that the people that we are expecting perfection from are human beings. Flawed people. Messy people. Stressed out people. People that have lives outside of the church.

We need to remember our church leaders, worship team, volunteers, sunday school leaders, and the list goes on, are just PEOPLE. Human beings. Humans that make mistakes, say the wrong thing, have a bad day. Humans that are fighting the same spiritual battles. And yes, people in leadership positions should be held to a higher standard, I agree. But sometimes we set unrealistic expectations for our leaders, and are completely turned off when they let us down.

This is where grace comes into play.

My challenge is this: find the good. Find the good in what your leaders are doing. Find the good in what your church is doing. Find the good in the church community & members.

And here’s a simple reminder for all of us: The perfection we seek is not found in the people but found in the ONE.



It’s okay to try harder…..


It’s okay to grow…..