1.8 billion…

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you… God is never miles away or off doing other things leaving you alone. He is always with you, but many times we are too caught up in other things to acknowledge His presence. “Draw near to Him and he will draw near to you” is so much more about you and the state of your heart and awareness of His presence.

He is omnipresent. He will NEVER leave us or forsake us. Drawing near to Him changes the posture of our soul and focus of our hearts desires from things of this world to His will for our lives in this world. Drawing near to Him makes us fully aware of his presence and closeness that is always present with us. When we fail to focus on Him and shift our concentration to life, busyness, bills, stress, fear, anxiety, struggles, and endless other “problems” we start to “feel” as if God is nowhere to be found and taking our focus off of Him gives us the feeling that God is far away. It’s all a matter of living every moment of every day in close proximity to Christ in every situation and circumstance we face.

How often do we think about our savior and how often are we communicating with him? We can be married to the person of our dreams and everything be perfect but if we stop speaking to each other that relationship is going to begin to drift. We will be open to attacks and all kinds of problems. It’s completely irrational to think that you would marry your best friend and then stop talking to each other and things stay great! So why would we ever stop communicating with the savior of our soul and expect to have zero attacks from satan!?! It’s almost comical to think that wouldn’t be reality.

Rewind back to your first day and first year of dating your spouse. Remember what it was like leaving that person after the first date? I could not sleep at all, even in my sleep I was subconsciously thinking about her! I would find “reasons” to have to wander over to the OR to just get to hear her voice or see her smile! There was never a moment I wasn’t thinking about her.

Psalms 139:17-18 “Every single moment you are thinking of me! How precious and wonderful to consider that you cherish me constantly in your every thought! O God, your desires toward me are more than the grains of sand on every shore! When I awake each morning, you’re still with me.” His thoughts about me are more than the grains of sand on every shore! There are over 1.8 billion grains of sand in one cubic foot of sand! How many cubic feet of sand is on this earth? It’s completely immeasurable and incomprehensible to our human minds but God knows exactly how much there is.

He has more thoughts and desires about each and every one of us that we can’t even count! Our thoughts towards our savior should be no different! If we fully understood the relentless never ending torment that hell is, I think more Christian’s would be so overwhelmed by Christ that their thoughts would drastically change and be completely lost in His love for us. We should never be able to take our thoughts and eyes off Him and our love for Him because of HIS LOVE for US!!

Now as husbands if we are called to love our wives as Christ loved the church and gave up His life for it then we should live the exact same way! Our never ending thoughts and love for our bride should be continual along with Jesus because HE gave us our wife and He alone is the glue that keeps us together! Why is it that over time so many of us get “comfortable” and become so complacent and lazy that we lose every ounce of fire, desire, love, passion, and respect for our wife? We should love her, think about her, and care MORE about her today than the day we met her. If marriages would do what they did in the beginning of their relationship there would be no end to it. 10 years have gone by and by no means have we had the “perfect” marriage, it’s in fact quiet the opposite and is a living testimony of what God can do for our lives, marriage, and family if, IF, we give ourselves fully to Him and place HIM at the center of our lives and marriage. Then HE will begin to do things in your marriage that you couldn’t dream of! Over 10 years and today at this very moment I love my wife more than I could ever put into words. I think about her every moment of every day and I pray for her constantly.

We need to be consciously aware at all times what and who we allow access to our heart. If our heart isn’t first focused on Jesus and second on our spouse, it’s a recipe destined for destruction. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23. What we choose to focus on or avoid focusing on has the biggest impact on our heart, soul, marriage and lives.

What are you near to each day and what is your heart focused on? If your struggling with your heart ask God to change and guide you hour by hour minute by minute day by day…


It’s okay to grow…..


Seeds of life or seeds of destruction…..