wrestling with God

Do you ever find yourself trying to tell your kid something important and you know they aren’t listening to you?? Isn’t it the BEST!......not!


I was trying to tell my child something important the other day and of course she was staring at her iPad completely ignoring me. I knew she wasn’t listening to me even though she kept saying “uh huh” when I asked her if she heard me. So, I took away her iPad and said “I need your attention because this is important, I need to know you understand what I’m telling you.” It was only when I commanded her attention and took away distractions that she was able to fully grasp what I was trying to tell her.


I’ve been in a “Jacob” season for AWHILE now…..me and God have been wrestling. We might not be physically wrestling but spiritually….man we are duking it out! We are wrestling about some HARD THINGS….things he is calling me/us to do, things he is telling me to let go of, things he’s testing me with.


When I was shampooing my carpets the other day, btw who else secretly loves shampooing their carpets? It's literally my favorite…. Anyways, I was looking for a podcast to listen to and I immediately thought “nope, not today, I’m not in the mood to listen to anything about God today!”  I’ve just been in this funk (wrestling with God) and decided I would try to stiff arm God and put something else on to listen to. So, naturally I chose to listen to Joe Rogan. As I’m going along, thinking I’ll have a break from all the wrestling, the craziest thing happens. All of a sudden, my podcast stops playing and immediately starts playing Preston Morrison Leaders cut podcast….and the title of the podcast is “WE MUST DO HARD THINGS”.


It was like God immediately commanded my attention and said “I know you’re trying to ignore me, but I need you to listen to what I’m telling you…. ITS IMPORTANT.” 


When God wants your attention, he’s going get it, whether you want him to have it or not. He will remove any distraction (good or bad) to make sure you are hearing him. God wants us to fully understand and grasp the assignment he has given each of us.


A Marriage Engulfed in Flames...Cling to your Faith in the Fire


First date, last kiss & everything in between